Saturday, November 29, 2014

A Willing Chauffer

Oh, how much can change in a week’s time!  Last weekend, I was deeply immersed in the experience of watching God at work through my dear friend Carlene Prince, who had come to share her testimony and music at the Son Broadcasting banquet.  Since I dropped her off at the airport, we’ve had Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and many of my neighbors have put up their Christmas lights.  Before the memories of last weekend’s events succumb to the busyness of the season, I wanted to be sure to capture some important thoughts.
Have you ever been host to a guest who relied on you, not just for food and lodging, but for transportation as well?  Then you will know that you must lay down your own schedule, and normal routine for the sake of that guest.  If this guest is a person of influence/importance, then your time table must defer to that of the guest.  This was the case last weekend.  By no means am I suggesting that it was a burden or unpleasant.  I simply mean to set the stage for a greater understanding of a beautiful God moment.

Sitting in the “audience” at Abundant Life Christian Center in Belen, I had a jealous thought pass through my head.  As I was watching Carlene share her music, I wished that I could be used in such a way.  I wished I was more than just her driver.  I must pause to say that my confession of jealousy is real, but God, in His goodness allowed me only a moment to stay in self-pity.  He quickly showed me my role in His Kingdom work, and how even drivers play a very important part.    

From church we went out to lunch with Pastor Barney and his wife Sandi.  This conversation was full of life and Spirit and encouraged my heart.  Through my brother and sisters in Christ, the Lord affirmed me, and reminded me that my desires, my prayers, and my talents were important to Him.  I have no doubt that this lunch meeting set the stage for future ministry work that only God could have woven together. 
The weekend I served being Carlene’s driver was necessary to remind me of important principles.  First, I should never be too proud to carry out any job that the Lord has assigned me to.  After all, it isn’t (and shouldn’t) be about me.  Secondly, the tapestry that God is weaving together with the treads of my life, may have looked scattered and disjointed, but I was reminded that I was standing on the wrong side of His work.  What, to my natural eyes looked like nonsensical patterns and colors, was the back side of the weaving.  Had I been in front, observing the masterpiece for what it is, I would have seen purpose, design and artistry!

This last week, a classic movie continued to come to mind.  The 1954 version of Sabrina, with Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn, is the story of a rich family with two sons, and the intrigue/love story that plays out with the chauffer’s daughter.  While it’s a cute romantic comedy, I couldn’t help but think of one of the closing scenes with Sabrina’s father, the chauffer.  With a grin on his face, he gives the stunning news that he has become quite wealthy.  Throughout the years, he’d listened closely to the business dealings that had transpired in the back seat of the car he was driving.  He learned when to buy and sell stocks, and came to learn about investment opportunities that a man of his position “shouldn’t” know.
God needs willing drivers.  I want to not just be obedient if He calls upon me to chauffer, but to carry out the task with a willing, cheerful heart, ready to see what I can learn on the drive.  If you have been put in a position to serve as a support to someone else’s ministry, don’t grow weary.  God is so good, and knows your heart, desires and giftings.  Allow this season to be one of great growth and education as you learn from those He’s called you to drive. 

1 Corinthians 12 (various verses):
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. . . . For the body does not consist of one member but of many.  If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Watching God Work

Yesterday morning, I sat among 20 colleagues, friends and ministry leaders at a special breakfast.  This was on the heals of the Son Broadcasting banquet, which had been just the night before.  Directly across from me was Congressman Steve Pearce.  The fact that this man has become a friend, is a God story all its own.  To my right, sat a woman who has become so dear to my heart, Carlene Prince.  Both of these remarkable people had been guest speakers at the banquet.

The Congressman began to tell a story: "When I was in Jordan, talking with the King. . . "  I just had to laugh.  What a strange and beautiful way God has connected people from around the world.  I don't have time to share all the details of the story, but at the end, he grinned and told Carlene that she should perform for the Jordanian King when he visits Hobbs, NM.  Somehow, I don't doubt that this will happen one day.

At the banquet, it had been my role to introduce Carlene to the audience.  I was able to take a moment to share a mini version of how so many prayers had been answered through both Carlene and Congressman Pearce. 

My prayers for provision for a broadcasting conference had been met indirectly through the actions of these two.  I had prayed a big, bold prayer that God would provide the means for me to travel to Nashville for the NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) conference.  He did it, and in wild and extravagant ways. 

I had been praying for a friend.  Someone with whom I could really connect.  Someone who could understand me and love and understand my weirdness.  He did it, and through NRB, brought me a sister in Christ, and a dear friend, Carlene.

I had prayed that the platform God had given me, through radio and speaking, would be used to bless and encourage others.  After the banquet, I got several comments that others had been affirmed through my remarks.  He did it.

This morning, I will be driving Carlene down to Belen, NM to speak and sing at a church.  After the banquet, a pastor had sought her out, and asked if she would be willing to come minister at his church before she had to leave town.  Feeling God at work, she agreed, and soon we will travel to see Him do something amazing once again.

Carlene has an incredible voice, and is in the process of recording her first CD.  She has a big, bold faith that God is going to provide.  I'm excited to watch with her, as He uses His people to provide for all her needs.  If you would like to be part of her answered prayer, you can contribute to her project here:

I pray that you are encouraged, knowing God is at work, and is in the business of answering prayers.  I have to cut this short, as we get ready to hit the road, with eager expectation of what God is going to do through this brand new day.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Hoarder's House

About a month ago, I got a call to inform me that someone who I'd known since childhood, had been admitted into the hospital.  The diagnosis is cancer, and there have been many complications that have led to a prolonged hospital stay.

This individual has a cat, and my father, being compelled to make sure it was ok, went to the house to check up on it.  What was discovered when he first walked through the front door was something that has literally caused him nightmares. The sick man is a hoarder.

I've heard about hoarders, and may have even seen a few minutes of a TV special about them.  But, to walk through one of these houses, is something that affects you--deeply.  There is a spirit of despair and defeat in the air.  The dust is so thick, the contents of the home so dirty, that you feel contaminated just standing there.

God bless my parents!  They have been working a few hours each day to begin to clear out the years of newspapers and debris. They've made amazing progress.  I, along with my husband, sister, some extended family and friends, have also put in many hours of work.  We've finally gotten to the point where we can uncover surfaces (counters, tables, floor) and what we have found is disgusting. 

My point in writing this account is not to shame or accuse this man.  Something is horribly wrong in his mind if he is unable to see the damage to/danger of his own home.  To let years pass by, without asking for help, has likely kept him in a prison of shame and paranoia of discovery. 

For as long as I've known him, this man has put on an air of pride and arrogance. I of course, had never seen his house prior to this, but many times he'd been over visiting my parents, I'd see him and heard his loud objections to many of the tenants of our faith and values.  It turns out, this very vocal and difficult man, was hiding a big, dirty secret. 

I'm not sure what to expect the next time I see him.  Will there be embarrassment and humility in his eyes?  Will there be angry defiance?  No mater what transpires, I know that I will never be able to view him in the same way.  For me, what once was an irritated annoyance at his personality, has been transformed into a sympathetic wonderment.  What type of sadness or hurt has plagued his life?  What has it done to his spirit to hide this secret for so many years?

We've all heard the expression "Don't judge a book by its cover."  This of course, can be directly applied to people, and their sometimes rough and ragged exteriors.  I've been reminded once again, that some of the most difficult people we encounter, are those that need the most love and help. 

Finally, it makes me even more thankful for a close-knit group of people who love and care about me.  If something in me were to "snap", they would jump in and intervene before things got out of hand.  For this man, he had no one who he trusted enough, to really allow them into his life. 

Let us all take a second look at those people who rub us the wrong way.  It just may be someone who desperately needs our tenderness and compassion.