Yesterday I spent a lot of time thinking about a problem that was brewing, that I was absolutely powerless to control. I work for a Christian ministry that has fallen on some hard times financially. I was informed that there wasn't enough income to fund my paycheck. So, my mind was off and running about all the possible "what ifs": What if things don't get better? What if they still can't pay me next week? What if I have to look for another job?
I'm really good at worrying about things down the road. But, that isn't a spiritual gift! The irony is, I do trust the Lord and His provision for us. I've witnessed time and time again His had of blessing on our family. We have never been left without.
So then why do I worry? I think the underlying truth is, that by worrying, I retain control of the situation. I've taken it into my own hands. I'm working out my own plan. But, as with so many of the storms that come my way, there are countless variables that I can't control. There is no way for me to plan my own future because of the God factor.
Quite simply, I must submit, with gratitude, to this simple truth: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
There is no better way to stop a storm in its tracks than to reflect on that verse. Do I need to loose sleep, or stress myself out over the future? No! It is time to loose control and let the Lord take the reigns of my life.
Lord, help me to trust you when the future is uncertain or looks scary. Help me to remember your past provisions, and trust your future plans for me. Let me lay my worries down at the foot of your throne, and give you the authority to do what You deem best for my life. Amen.
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