Friday, June 10, 2011

Tree, Tire Swing, and Tears

My older daughter has been asking me for weeks to put up a tire swing.  Finally yesterday, I got on-line to see what it would take.  There were several websites that sold them for $100 or more. Not having that kind of extra cash, I suggested we head over to Lowes (with Internet DIY directions in hand) and get what we would need.
Long story short, it was suggested to me by an employee that I buy toeing line (the kind to toe a car).  It would be strong enough and I wouldn't have to mess with the chain and hardware.  So, $15 later, I had the line and a nice sized tire and was determined to get it hung.
It really didn't take long to "assemble".  I looped the line over a branch, fastened the hooks, at voila--a tire swing.

I proudly waited for my husband to congratulate me on my cleaver idea.  The only problem is, he didn't.  Asking how much the line was, he told me I could have just used the rope we already had for free.  And besides, the loop hindered the effectiveness of the swing.
I was mad!  Expecting praise, I was totally floored by the comment.  My husband probably could have been a little more sensitive in his approach, but the real problem was my heart.
I'm very much geared with a personality that wants to tackle obstacles--but usually as quickly and cheaply as possible.  When he had a better (and cheaper) way to do it, my pride was bruised.
It has taken me a night to sleep on it, but it is now clear that the correction he offered was meant to help, not to hurt me.  My prayer today is that I will be quicker to hear the wisdom and council of others and let go of my pride.
After hanging the swing on a single line, it IS much better.

Poverty and shame will come to him who disdains correction, But he who regards a rebuke will be honored.  Provers 13:18

1 comment:

  1. never know when you will need a tow line for one of the cars. ;)
    enjoy that swing!
