Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Sound of Silence

It's Sunday morning, and for a few minutes more, I'm alone with nothing but the sound of the refrigerator whirring in the background.  I've plugged in the Christmas tree and the simple stillness of the morning has reminded me just how long its been since I've sat down to write anything at all.

November was a month of transition for me.  At work, I have a new Program Director and it's required many extra hours of teaching and computer tweaking to get our new team up to speed.  Change is always challenging, but I trust that the Lord is working through it all.  Now that we are beginning to settle into a new routine, things are going much more smoothly, which in turn allows work to feel more fun.

On the home front, it's the Christmas season, and every mom knows all the extras that it entails.  I need to take the time to sit and write our Christmas letter, but in thinking of what to include on one sheet of paper that encompasses the last 365 days of four individuals seems a little daunting.

On one hand, we haven't had any remarkable changes.  We are in the same home, with the same jobs and have had no major illnesses (all of which I thank God for!).  But, on the other hand, we've had lots of little things that have at times rocked me, confused me, scared me or tested my faith. 

So for today, and for the content of our Christmas letter, I think I'll focus on the simplicity of the glittery ornaments that have caught my eye.  There are three that stand out, and they simply read: Joy, Jesus, Peace.

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