Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Sound Mind

Photo credit:Jennie Sanford
Working in radio, I'm constantly being exposed to news stories--most of them negative.  Just today, we've had to talk about/deal with the implementation of Obamacare, earthquakes, terror attacks, religious persecution and the decline of public education.  It's enough to make you crazy.  If you think too far ahead, it's easy to get fearful. 
I've often commented that I've had to use scripture as a type of "mantra" to refresh my negative thinking with the truth of God's Word.  I'm not talking about mysticism or eastern religious philosophies, but rather (as Wikipedia puts it) a word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation."
I need a mind transformed.  I need thinking that is not of this world.  I need the hope that comes with putting my trust in the King of Kings. 
For those that don't share my belief in Christ, this whole blog string probably appears to be silly, superstitious nonsense.  I'm sure there are a growing number of people who now discredit me as being one of those"crazy religious people."  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  I would argue that my faith is logically, factually and historically grounded. 
Scripture repeatedly talks about the benefits of being aligned with the wise, fleeing foolishness, avoiding extremes and being of a sound mind.  Admittedly, these directions are easier to quote to others than to live out personally. 
The encouragement found in 2 Timothy 1 served as a great refreshment to me today.  You can hear the heart of Paul, pouring out direction and blessing on Timothy, who seems to have needed a kind word. 

Today, you may be like Timothy, needing someone to speak truth into your life, helping you remember the promises of God.  If so, take a moment to read through this first chapter, and replace his name with your own. 
If however, you find yourself in a place of strength and stability, be a Paul to someone you come across. Encourage them and equip them to carry on.  This life can make you weary, and we all need a spiritual boost from time to time. 
Let us work together as the Body, linking arm in arm, striving to cross that finish line.  Take the time you need to be alone with the Father, seeking a sound mind, grounded in Him. Then, team up with the believers who He has placed in your path.  Be blessed this day to carry on the work that He has called you to do!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bummer Birthday Party

Over the weekend, my soon to be 12 year-old had a sleepover birthday party.  The expectation of what the night would be like had been built up in her mind for weeks.  When the actual party got underway, it became apparent that it wasn't what she had imagined.  A few of the girls kept to themselves, buried in ipods/ipads and didn't really get into the party "spirit". 

Photo credit: Relevant Magazine.  www.relevantmagazine.com

The next morning afforded me the opportunity to have a conversation with her in regard to what true friendship looks like. Godly friendships are become more rare in our culture, and I really wanted her to have a deep understanding of what it means to be a friend, and what to look for in a friend. 

The disappointment she felt is something that I could easily relate with.  I too have a tendency to create a fantasy in my mind about what an event/relationship/situation will be like, only to find that reality is much less glamorous and far more "human".  The entertainment industry does us a huge disservice when it depicts relationships through the lens of Romanic Comedies, and friendships in the vein of "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". 

Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. all provide an illusion of friendship and community.  They can be fun and helpful tools, but we have to guard our hearts against the temptation of replacing an often messy relationship based life, with an on-line mirage.

Here are a few verses on friendship worth considering:

"A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends."  Proverbs 16:28

"Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared."  Proverbs 22:24, 25

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up.  But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" Ecclesiastes 4: 9,10

So, whether you or your child are struggling with friendship, I encourage you to seek out examples of what healthy relationships look like (through God's eyes).  Avoid the temptation to escape into the online world of friends and fantasy.  While it may provide a great distraction or (on the positive side) the ability to connect with those outside of your community, it will be hard for any of these relationships to pick you up when you've fallen down.  Seek out and pour yourself into those messy, face to face relationships.  They won't always have a Hollywood hue to them, but they will have profoundly (eternally?)  more value than relationships that can be created or dissolved by the click of a keyboard mouse.