Saturday, April 20, 2013

Praying while the world goes mad

We have been "home churching" for about 8 years.  It started as an invitation to join a Sunday morning gathering of a few families who wanted to study, pray and worship in a home rather than a church building.  The group was comprised of a former pastor, stay at home moms, science professionals, laborers, etc.  I loved the people, but couldn't get over the distraction of having my kids within sight/earshot during "church".

Where we have met, how we've dealt with childcare, time of day, even day of the week has changed in the 8 years as our home church has fluctuated.  Needless to say, we found something that worked and continue to gather this way these many years later.

Last night as we met, I marveled at all that had transpired over the years with our group.  There have been births, graduations and a marriage.  There have been personal triumphs and agonies.  New jobs, new homes, new members and new challenges have all been realities these past few years.

One thing that has remained consistent is the madness of the world around us.  We have often discussed the times in which we live, and prayed for those affected by loss and pain.  We have at times donated money or efforts to help a situation.

There have been those in our group who have gone out onto the mission field, ministering to the homeless, desperate and broken.  We've cooked meals, visited the sick and worked on behalf of those who needed our help.

Actions are important, no doubt about it.  However it has been our experience that the power of prayer is real and often has much more impact that a kind gesture ever can.

God has been so faithful to answer prayer.  It hasn't always been immediate, nor has the answer come in the way/form in which we asked. The answers have come though, and they have changes lives.  Sickness and pains have been healed.  Homes have been bought and sold, babies have been conceived, the pain after loss has been comforted and broken relationships have been restored. 

Skeptics may say that time would have taken care of all these things "naturally".  Perhaps, but ask for the specific example from the people whose lives were directly impacted, and they will show you how the fingerprints of God were all over the situation from start to finish.

This morning, as I wake to news of 100 dead in a Chinese earthquake, the capture of the Boston Marathon bomber and the rape of a 5 year old girl, I can make a choice.  I can become overwhelmed with the evil and madness of our time, or I can pray. 

I imagine many will scoff at what they deem to be a foolish waste of time.  I would argue that it is both Biblical and wise to take time praying.  I have seen too many times the evidence of answered prayer to do anything less. 

Our simple prayers to a limitless God are making an impact.  Ask Him for yourself and allow Him the perfect time/way in which to answer.  Expect to be surprised with the end result. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Project in the works

Happy Monday!
My blogging downfall is lack of consistency.  I have things on my heart that burst out regularly, but putting those experiences down on "paper" is a whole other issue.
It is with excitement, nervousness and joy that I wish to share the news that I have a new project in the works.  Much like a pregnancy, this will likely take many months to grow and mature.  When it will be birthed is yet to be seen. 
I've always wanted to write a book, but never felt that I had a story of my own that others would want to read.  After prayer and contemplation, I think my job is not to tell my story, but that of others. 
Without spilling all the beans, I'll let you know that this project combines three of my passions: faith, story telling and cooking. 
I am beginning the process of collecting names and email addresses of missionaries who are serving abroad.  If you know someone who is an active missionary that might be willing to share their story with me (by email or Skype), I'd be thankful for the referral.  I hope to highlight the work that they are doing.  If there are safety concerns, I would of course be cautious and would never write/publish anything to compromise them.
Thanks for your help and prayers.  I look forward to a regular blogging presence as evidence of a project in process!