Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Our new normal

Many months ago when we were talking through schedules and the school days to come, it became apparent that I needed to be home in the morning hours.  After much prayer, job searching, and fretting (I'm not proud of that part), we have an answer to our family's needs--a different work schedule.
I'm so thankful to my boss(es) who made it possible for me to stay at Son Broadcasting.  While I used to be in the office by 5:45am, I now have the opportunity to get my girls ready for school, and join my co-host Dan for the second hour of the Morning Show, arriving at work just before 8am. 
I can already tell that this is going to require a great deal of adjustment for many.  It's honestly strange to be at home and see the family before I leave for work.  I have to work out a new personal morning schedule that will allow me a quite time to read/pray/think.  I want to be able to exercise, and get ready for the day somewhere in there as well.
The tween drama is rampant at my house, and the early morning hours seem to be a breeding ground for stressful interaction.
Coming into work "late" is also a strange sensation.  This morning, I had to fight the feeling that I just didn't belong anymore. 
God is good, and He will help us all fall into a new rhythm.  There will be different tasks for me to accomplish both at home and at work.
But until the new schedule starts to feel second nature, I will take it a day at a time.  Thanks to all of you who have been praying with/for me as we've strived to seek the Lord's will.

1 comment:

  1. Birga, I am so glad God worked it out for you to remain at a job you clearly love, and are excellent at. The tasks will fall nicely in place...and one day you will even look back on the "Tween Wars" with a chuckle...trust me on that one! Love you, your Uncle Rick!
