Thursday, January 9, 2014

Should I wear my wedding dress?

Two weeks from today, Son Broadcasting will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary.  Having worked for this ministry for nearly 7 years, I get the honor of being part of the festivities. Much thought and preparation has gone into this event.  Of course we will celebrate the 30 years of ministry work that has already been accomplished.  Yet, looking ahead, this evening will also serve as a launching platform for a new season of work that needs to be done. 

Jesus really began the public aspect of His ministry at age 30. He had been about His Father's business all along, but it was at this point in His life, when the urgency of time caused the intensification of relationship, teaching and ministry to unfold.  

Our world is rapidly changing.  As a ministry, we feel a similar urgency to make sure that we are deeply immersed in doing the Father's work while sharing the hope and love that comes through relationship with Him. 

This 30th Anniversary celebration is a classy event, and I think it should be!  Frankly, we Americans have gotten more casual and many no longer put forth the effort to get dressed up and present the best outward side of ourselves.  While I don't suggest emphasizing external beauty, I do want to encourage you to remember that feeling you get, when you take the time to look your best, anticipating the reaction of your loved one seeing you that way.  It's a giddiness that speaks to your desire to please another. 

As I got ready for work this morning, an image of my wedding dress popped into my mind.  Though I initially thought this was part of the crazy that comes with being me, I went on to contemplate the meaning/symbolism of that dress.

Back in the summer of 2000, that dress meant everything!  It was white, and I wore that color proudly, having saved myself for my husband.  It meant that I was about to be united with a man I would spend the rest of my life with--through good times and bad.  It fit me just right and I couldn't wait to see Bob's reaction.  If you look back on the video of that day, you'll hear an audible laugh from the audience, because I was very eager to begin the ceremony, and nearly sprinted down the aisle.

I desire to have that same level of eagerness when it comes to serving the Lord.  I have set myself apart to serve Him.  I have committed to love Him through good times and bad.  He delights in me and gave His all for my sake. 

So maybe the thought of wearing a wedding dress to Son Broadcasting's 30th anniversary gala isn't all that crazy*.  In this next phase of ministry, showing up ready to delight the Lord in all that we do, may lend itself to a special dress. 

"Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory!  For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready." Revelation 19:7

*Wedding dress is completely optional. We'd love to have you either way.  If you'd like information on tickets, please call (505)345-1991.

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