Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A big "Thank You"

It's been several weeks since our return from Israel, and I realize that I haven't taken the time to write a message to express my thankfulness for all those who prayed for, and contributed toward our trip.
It was a journey that we will not soon forget.  Thank you a thousand times over!

We flew into Tel Aviv and had a day spent at the beach.  It was great to be near the ocean again.  It was all the more interesting as we got to Israel for the start of the holiday, Purim, where many kids (and adults) were in costume.  I even came across a costume surfing contest.

The bulk of our time was spent in Jerusalem.  Over the 6 nights we stayed there, we had three different lodging arrangements.  The first four nights we stayed at a small bed and breakfast that hosted a dozen or so guests from all over the world.  It was a unique opportunity to talk with them about why they had each made the journey to Israel.
The next two night were spent at the King Solomon Hotel, with the members of Team Just One Life.  There were 7 (I think) who had traveled from the U.S., and several locals who had all raised funds on behalf of Just One Life, a crisis pregnancy center in Jerusalem.  There was a time to meet the staff of JOL, as well as a pre-run pasta party where we got an opportunity to meet two of the ladies who had been served through this tremendous organization.
All said and done, the group raised close to $40,000 to benefit Just One Life and the mothers that they serve.  It was an incredible blessing to be able to work toward the fundraising/running goals and to be able to accomplish so much for these precious ladies. 
Bob completed the half-marathon and I finished the 10k.  The run was the most physically challenging event I had ever done.  The course was so hilly and by the time I crossed the finish line I was spent.  It was a rewarding exhaustion. 
The trip was fantastic and a blessing through and through.  I know most of you don't have time to read a lengthy blog post, so I will leave the report short and sweet.  I'm always happy to meet up for coffee if you would like a more lengthy description of all we saw and did. 
Again, thank you!  Your investment is making a life-changing impact!

1 comment:

  1. I wanna take you up on that offer for coffee! (SO wish we could - one of us is going to have move closer to the other!!) :) Glad to hear this report - I'm sure you had a wonderful experience overall and the memories will stay with you for a lifetime. Love you Birga-lady!
    Carlene Prince
