Monday, August 18, 2014

Hair Dye and Chocolate Cake

The last 3 days have been rather hectic.  Saturday and Sunday we worked (and had other people work) on a plumbing problem the required the water to be shut off for most of the weekend.  I was relatively calm about it.  There were occasions when the fear of having to tear out bathroom walls crept through my head, but on a whole, I was at peace.  In the end, we did have to go through a wall, but from the back end.  The plumbing was repaired and instead of having to re-tile a wall, it will just be a dry wall repair. 

Then last night, I got a surprise phone call, offering me a job for which I'd never heard of, and never applied for.  It was exciting to think that someone though I was such a perfect fit, that I was offered a position out of the blue.  Wanting to learn more about it, I headed for a meeting this afternoon only to be told that the position was filled 30 minutes prior to my arrival.  I can't say that I was terribly upset, as the whole think had come out of left field anyway.  Yet, I felt a little confused.

After the meeting, I picked up my eldest daughter from my in-law's house.  She doesn't start school until tomorrow. She had made a very decadent chocolate cake and built (from a kit) a 3 foot high Eifel Tower.  After loading her goods into the car, she asked me about dying her hair.
We've allowed hair dye before.  Not the whole head, but streaks of a color.  She had bought a kit of "luscious raspberry".

On to pick up daughter #2 who did start school today.  First day at a new school and by all accounts it went pretty well!

Back at the ranch, I come home to last night's Star Wars Monopoly Game still spread all over the kitchen table.  The family wanted to finish it up tonight after dinner.  My bed is unmade, there is laundry on the couch and the ugly hole in the wall stares me down.  I'm starting to feel a bit intimidated. 

I start the dye job on #1.  While the bleach sets, I begin dinner.  #2 is busy reading and I'm thankful for that.  Hubby comes home and then leaves again for the gym.  I rinse, wash and apply color.  I cook the pasta and add the fixings.  I rinse the dye and shampoo.  #2 has snuck some chocolate cake.  Hubby comes home, we eat, they play Monopoly.

I just needed a little "down" time tonight.  I suppose I'm being selfish, sitting with my computer, writing to anyone who cares, rather than engaging with the family.  That being said, it's time to unplug and find #2--looks like she ran out of money and left the game. 

Motherhood isn't for the faint of heart.

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