Wednesday, August 10, 2011

If it's not an emergency, then ask Papa!

Today has been one of those days.  It's been one of those weeks actually, and it's only Wednesday.  But, to fully explain the story, I have to go back a few days more.

Sunday evening, we had some friends over for dinner.  The adults were inside talking, while the 4 kids were out on the trampoline.  Suddenly I hear: "Hannah, are you OK?" No response.  Again, "Hannah??"  I have that momentary panic--the kind that you don't let anyone else see.  Your mind races to the worst possible scenarios, and then back again.  When I heard her start crying, it was actually a relief.

She came in, covered in grass, and explained she had fallen out of the trampoline (and onto her head and back).  We have a net enclosure, and this accident took skills that only my oldest has (for getting hurt in unusual ways).  Fast forward to the next day and many dizzy hours later, I was concerned that she had a concussion, and went off to the doctor.  She was given a very thorough exam, and now seems to be doing fine.

Last night, Sydney gets out of bed to report that she has pain in her lungs when she takes deep breaths.  It was obvious that it wasn't an emergency, but still, I was concerned.  Today, after playing in a bounce house (no, I did not let Hannah join in), she started gasping and clutching her throat saying that it was closing up.

For those that have kids with asthma, severe allergies or other medical ailments, you know what your heart feels like when you are on the brink of "Do I call 911?" or "Do I have what it takes to handle this situation?"  Well, by God's grace, I handled it.  But once the immediate threat was over, my body and mind went into shut down mode.  I got so tired and overwhelmed that I had to call in re-enforcements.

So, I now sit on the couch, after not taking a nap (that I was instructed to do), waiting for the word on what the doctor said.  I feel half like a big lazy jerk for not going with Bob to the doctor, but half so taxed that I can't imagine doing anything but sitting here.

Prayers for my sanity will be greatly appreciated.

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